Madagascar, represented by the Chargé d’Affaires a.i of the Embassy, was visible at this event.
His Excellency Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, Apostolic Nuncio and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, addressed to His Excellency the German Federal President Frank-Walker Steinmeier the best wishes for good health. He related the results of the previous year to better focus on the present and the future.
He also highlighted the various elections in Germany, its economic expansion, its generosity in international donations, its refugees ‘welcome, its involvment with Africa and as President of the G20.
Moreover, according to the Federal President „Harmony inside, peace outside“; constitutes the challenge in almost all democracies. The union, openness, exchanges, trust exceed the fear of tomorrow and the feeling of worry. Germany is no exception to this rule, and will strive to frame its interests with clarity and foresight in terms of co-operation with other countries, while engaging in worrying international issues such as: climate protection, clean oceans, education, health and sustainable development.
Thus, to ensure inner harmony and peace outside and for reconciliation, the Federal President urges Diplomats to be particularly attentive to understand how a country defines its role in the world.